
Facebook is creating an independent body to decide which content to remove

Facebook is creating an independent body to decide which content to remove

Ok if you have ever placed a facebook ad that was declined or written some content that was flagged as inappropriate, this will be welcome news today. As an independent digital marketer, sometimes the reason for an ads disapproval is not really apparent.

Now I know a lot of writers will be looking at this as Facebook hiring a scapegoat. Myself, I feel it’s about time the social media giant realized it needs to distance itself from it’s users, and focus on our security. I was an early adopter for Facebook advertising for business, so I am relieved by this news. According to the article in cnbc.com   – Facebook will start to pilot this independent body in the first half of 2019 with hopes of establishing it in full by the end of the year.The company said it does not yet know how members of the body will be selected as well as other key details.